Velocity International Promotion | Education Consultant, Study Abroad, Kuliah di Luar Negeri, Universitas Luar Negeri, IELTS Preparation, Visa, Australia Migration
U p Coming Event

Happy Independence Day Indonesia

Study Tour
HUT Republik Indonesia ke 72

Ramadhan Kareem

Study Tour
Ramadhan Kareem ... Selamat berpuasa bagi yang menjalankannya!

Kartini's Day

Study Tour
Selamat Hari Kartini !

Selamat Menempuh UN 2017

Study Tour
Hi Velowers! Ayo yang sebentar lagi UN semangat ya!

April Fool's Day 2017

Study Tour
Hi Everybody! Happy April Fool's Day 2017

7 Universitas Terbaik di Kanada

Study Tour
Hai Velowers! Berikut adalah 7 universitas terbaik di Kanada! Yuk Simakkkk

Study in USA with American Honors

Study Tour
Ayo Kuliah di Amerika!

Happy Valentine Day

Study Tour
Spread your Love~

Study in USA

Study Tour
Study in USA?

Study in Canada

Study Tour
Try to experience study in Canada

Happy Holiday 2016

Study Tour
Happy Holiday!!! Wishing you a wonderfull Holiday season!


Study Tour
Hey Velowers!!! Tertarik kuliah ke Malaysia? UCSI bisa jadi pilihan kamu. Let’s start your future with UCSI University Malaysia !!!

Top universities for Computer Science in Australia & New Zealand 2016

Study Tour
Top universities for Computer Science in Australia & New Zealand 2016!!! Check it out!

Top Universities for Art and Design in Australia & New Zealand 2016

Study Tour
Top universities for art and design in Australia & New Zealand, Check it Out!

Happy Halloween!!!

Study Tour
Happy Halloween !!! Ingin mengetahui informasi mengenai Halloween? Yuk silahkan disimak...

Velocity International Goes to Malang 2016

Study Tour
Velocity International akan mengunjungi Malang lagiiii!!!

Top 10 Universities in Australia 2016

Study Tour
Top 10 Universities in Australia 2016, check it out!!!


Study Tour
New Zealand is one of the world’s best places to live and study. Discover New Zealand internationally-renowned education system and unbeatable lifestyle.

Imagine Education Australia Scholarship

Study Tour
Imagine Education Australia Scholarship 2016! Check it out!

UCS Indonesia Scholarship 2016/2017

Study Tour
UCS is offering a scholarship for £1,000 for eligible students who are nationals of Indonesia, who start at UCS in the 2016/17 academic year. This is a limited offer, so it is recommended that interested students apply early.

Selamat Menunaikan Ibadah Puasa 1437 H

Study Tour
Marhaban ya ramadhan...

English Language and Cultural Programme to Westminster Kingsway College

Study Tour
English Language and Cultural Programme to Westminster Kingsway College, 17 - 30 July 2016

Take a tour of St Aidan's

Study Tour
Spend One Month (4 weeks) or One School Term (10 weeks) in Brisbane, Queensland, AUSTRALIA!

April Fools' Day

Study Tour
April Mop, dikenal dengan April Fools' Day dalam bahasa Inggris, diperingati setiap tanggal 1 April setiap tahun. Pada hari itu, orang dianggap boleh berbohong atau memberi lelucon kepada orang lain tanpa dianggap bersalah.

ISN American Education Expo 2016

Study Tour
ISN American Education Expo 2016 akan Hadir di Jakarta

Whitehouse Institute of Design Australia 2016

Study Tour
Greetings from Whitehouse Institute of Design, Australia!

Selamat Hari Natal dan Tahun Baru 2016

Study Tour
Selamat Hari Natal dan Tahun baru 2016 Velowers!

The Power of 3: Studying in the USA, Australia or the UK

Study Tour
If you’re choosing an English-speaking study destination, you’re probably considering one of the top three: the USA, UK or Australia. But which of these countries will suit you best? Which country offers the best opportunities for study, and for work when you graduate? Which is easiest to get into?

Velocity International Goes To Malang

Study Tour
Velocity International berkunjung ke Kota Malang untuk bertemu dengan Velowers yang ada di Malang :)

Study in Canada

Study Tour
Canada has been declared the country with the best reputation in the world for the third consecutive year. In addition to taking home the overall title, Canada claimed the number one spot in categories ranging from “best place to live” to “best place to study,” .

Study in the UK

Study Tour
UK has become one of the top destinations to study around the world. With traditions of excellence dating back hundreds of years, high class institutions in every corner and much more flexibility than many other countries, the United Kingdom has much to offer international students.

Study in Australia

Study Tour
Australia promotes innovation, creativity and independent thinking throughout its universities. International students who study and live in Australia soon find that their education is challenging, fun, and rewarding.

Study in the USA

Study Tour
The USA has the world’s largest international student population, with over 800,000 students choosing to broaden their education and life experience in the United States. Nearly 4% of all students enrolled in higher-level education in the USA are international students, and the numbers are growing.
Australian Education International
Australian Embassy - INDONESIA
Department of Immigration and Border Protection
Education Services for Overseas [ESOS] Regulation
Education Services for Overseas Students [ESOS] Act 2000
Migration Act 1958
Migration Regulations 1994
Study in Australia [website]